Effects of supported self-care on the anthropometric profile of hypertensive patients


  • Handerson Raphael Fernandes Vale da Cruz Docente, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Caicó, RN, Brasil
  • Janaíne Chiara Oliveira Moraes Docente, Centro Universitário Santa Maria, UNIFSM, Cajazeiras, PB, Brasil




self-care, obesity management, heart disease risk factors, hypertension


Introduction: what is commonly perceived among people with chronic diseases is the lack of motivation to comply with health prescriptions, especially for weight loss, which causes non-adherence to therapy and worsening of the disease. Objective: to evaluate the effects of supported self-care on the anthropometric profile of people with arterial hypertension. Methods: randomized clinical trial developed with 78 hypertensive patients from the city of Cajazeiras - PB. The intervention protocol consisted of consultations guided by supported self-care, implemented through the 5 A's technique for the intervention group (IG). Three in-person consultations and three telemonitoring consultations were carried out, lasting 6 months. The control group (CG) followed the usual follow-up. Results: there was a reduction in the anthropometric profile of the IG participants, with a significant improvement (p < 0.05) in the mean/median values ​​of weight, abdominal circumference, waist/hip ratio and Body Mass Index after follow-up, although the levels achieved did not imply a reduction in cardiovascular risk related to these variables. The CG did not suffer significant changes in any of these measures. Conclusions: supported self-care, in addition to allowing an open and realistic dialogue between doctor and patient, is associated with increased motivation for weight loss, intentions to eat better and to exercise regularly. Learning the 5 A's methodology provides health professionals with increased self-reported sensitivity, confidence and willingness to initiate conversations about obesity control.

Author Biographies

Handerson Raphael Fernandes Vale da Cruz, Docente, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Caicó, RN, Brasil

Janaíne Chiara Oliveira Moraes, Docente, Centro Universitário Santa Maria, UNIFSM, Cajazeiras, PB, Brasil


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How to Cite

Cruz HRFV da, Moraes JCO. Effects of supported self-care on the anthropometric profile of hypertensive patients. Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina do Estilo de Vida [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 2 [cited 2024 Dec. 30];7. Available from: https://cbmev.emnuvens.com.br/cbmev/article/view/132



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